It’s been a few weeks since we hosted the much-anticipated Community Culture Fair, and the memories of the event still linger in the air, filled with joy and unity.

Held on Saturday, April 27th, 2024, the Busan Foreign School (BFS) Community Culture Fair was a resounding success, drawing families and individuals from all corners of the community to our campus. From 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM, our school grounds transformed into a lively hub of cultural exchange and celebration.

“This was a true community event. The parents volunteered so many hours to make fantastic food, and our older students created and ran fun games for the younger SHARKS to enjoy. Definitely a highlight of the year,” remarked Mr. Brenneman, Secondary Principal.

Reflecting on the day, it’s clear that the fair was a testament to our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and community engagement. Through international booths offering delectable foods and engaging activities, games for all ages, captivating performances, and exciting raffle prizes, attendees experienced some of the rich cultures that make up our BFS community.

“I ate a lot, and it was amazing to try so many delicious foods from the culture booths! I also really enjoyed the performances that highlighted our talented students. It was awesome to see them shine,” said Mrs. Harvey, Early Childhood and Elementary Principal.

We were also proud to share our newly revised vision and mission:

At Busan Foreign School, we strive to empower students to excel academically, thrive socially, and become compassionate global citizens and leaders.

Our mission is to empower learners to grow socially, emotionally, and academically in a supportive community. We are committed to providing an inclusive environment that nurtures individual growth and fosters a sense of belonging. We aspire to shape empathetic and open-minded global citizens who think critically and have the skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to our dedicated Parent Teacher Support Organization (PTSO), whose vibrantly decorated booths, delicious foods, and cultural activities were invaluable in making the event a memorable one. We also extend our admiration and appreciation for all the student performers on that day including:

  • BFS Palette Dance Club
  • Elementary & Middle School students who performed Chastushki
  • Arina K. who performed Matushka
  • Bobby, Neel, Marquis,Yuanqiang, & Joy who performed Mission Impossible & Bourrée

We can’t help but feel a sense of pride in what we have accomplished together. The BFS Community Culture Fair was not just a celebration; it was a reaffirmation of our shared values and our collective strength as a community.

To all who attended, our families, and the hardworking staff who helped bring the event to life, we extend our sincerest gratitude. Your presence and support made the fair a resounding success, and we are truly grateful for your participation. 

As we look back on our first Community Culture Fair, we are filled with gratitude and excitement for the future of more events like this one. The bonds forged and the memories created during this event will continue to inspire us as we strive to build a more inclusive and united BFS community.

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