Chloe Jang, a senior at Busan Foreign School, just launched her own iOS app called “Coloring Tiles” on the Apple App Store. This puzzle-based game combines numbers and coloring to help you create simple yet adorable pictures. 

Chloe’s journey on this project began in her AP Computer Science Principles class with Dr. Barnes at the end of last school year. After the AP exam, she and her class embarked on a four-week self-study project where they dove headfirst into a computer science topic of their choice. Chloe focused her efforts on the Swift programming language. 

Now, her hard work has paid off, and you can enjoy her creative app on your iPhone. Get ready to have a blast coloring and matching tiles while unleashing your inner artist with “Coloring Tiles”!

Installing Coloring Tiles is as Easy as 1-2-3!

To install Chloe’s app, go to the Apple App Store and type in “Coloring Tiles” in the search bar. Once you scroll and see the app pictured above, tap “Install” to start the fun! Open the app, select a drawing and start matching the colors and numbers on the tiles. Explore all the drawing and most of all, have fun!

Link to the app here:

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