BFS Library

BFS Library2024-05-23T10:10:30+09:00

Welcome to the BFS Library

Our school library stands as a vibrant learning hub, dedicated to nurturing the social and intellectual growth of our students while fostering a vibrant community founded on collaboration, knowledge acquisition, and a profound appreciation for literature. At its core, our library’s mission is to support and kindle students’ scholastic endeavors and their passion for reading, offering a welcoming, engaging, and student-centered setting.

In alignment with our commitment to excellence, we prioritize the creation of a professional learning space within the library. It serves as a collaborative space for curriculum design, and instructional improvement. It’s also a rich resource for both our dedicated staff and enthusiastic students on their learning journeys at BFS. As we uphold our commitment to active learning fundamental part of our SHARK values, the library plays a pivotal role in encouraging students to think critically while seamlessly integrating modern technology into their educational experiences

“I believe books hold the unique power of inspiring readers to learn more about themselves while also connecting them to a whole world of experiences and perspectives. In library class, we explore a wide variety of reading genres. In addition to literature appreciation, instruction addresses topics such as library skills, information navigation and evaluation, digital citizenship, and academic research.”

— Stephanie Platt

Middle School Book Reviews

Library Resources

  • Access to over 10,000 cataloged books

  • Free printing

  • Media center with 25 Mac computers

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