We are excited to share Justin Yeo’s accomplishment in the Embedded SW Teen Startup Contest! The competition, exclusive to individuals born between 2005 and 2010, presented a challenge to develop revenue-generating services and products utilizing embedded software technology, with no restrictions on programming languages.  Justin navigated through two stages—the preliminary round and the final, where only the top 10 teams made the cut and traveled to Seoul to present their projects.

His project was both innovative and impactful—a bracelet and Android app aimed at delivering danger announcements to the hard of hearing through vibrations in the bracelet.  Choosing Android Kotlin as the coding language, Justin incorporated the OpenAI/Whisper API, along with a Python-Flask server and the Raspberry Pi Pico to enhance functionality.

The competition commenced in July and stretched through the end of October. Justin‘s dedication and hard work clinched 4th place in the national competition!  This competition not only sharpened his coding skills but also provided an avenue to contribute to a cause and a solution to a need for others.

Check out Justin’s Project below!:

Speech to Vibration

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