Recognizing the significance of selecting the right college or university, we understand that this decision is paramount in a student’s life. A testament to our commitment to strive for academic excellence, 99% of BFS graduates pursue post-secondary studies, with a substantial majority gaining admission to high-ranking universities in the United States. At BFS, we offer comprehensive guidance, unwavering support, essential tools, and abundant opportunities to empower students and their families in preparing for successful entry into some of the most competitive universities globally. Our dedicated approach ensures that students are not only academically prepared but also equipped with the skills and confidence necessary for thriving in the dynamic landscape of higher education.
Mr. Saunders has been the College Counselor at BFS since 2013. Over the years, he has helped Seniors and their families as they navigate the complex college application process. He starts working with students in grade 9, to help them create a profile for themselves that will be shared with potential universities. In addition, he oversees PSAT and SAT testing at BFS and coordinates all of our AP exams.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about BFS university counseling please feel free to contact:
Mr. Glenn Saunders, Director of Admissions and College Counseling –
BFS CEEB Code 682022